Scheduled maintenance: Upgrades Coming
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Exante
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Operational: Market Data Feeds,Exante Demo,Order Execution,Trading APIs,Trading Terminals,Web-site and Client Area,Card Transactions & Payments
Posted Aug 31, 2023 - 07:55 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Under maintenance : Market Data Feeds,Exante Demo,Order Execution,Trading APIs,Trading Terminals,Web-site and Client Area,Card Transactions & Payments
Posted Aug 31, 2023 - 07:13 UTC
What does this mean for you?
A little bit of down downtime now, means more upside for you later!
You may not be able to access platform features now, this is only temporary. The current work boosts the overall performance of our service so you can always access trading opportunities without a glitch. Check back on this page for status updates.
Stay tuned, and we’ll be back faster, better, and stronger than ever.
See you soon.
Posted Aug 31, 2023 - 05:01 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Market Data Feeds, Order Execution, Trading APIs, Trading Terminals, Web-site and Client Area, Card Transactions & Payments and Environments (Exante Demo).